
Dear Students,

Welcome you to the VMA community and to the Student Life Program. We are focused on building a team to support students in the classroom, the athletic field and the dorm.  Within each area we have created student centered curriculum and been working to build around the mission of the school, the character and values of what we hope are caring global citizens and leaders with Chinese identity.


Your Life at VMA is made up of several programs: Mentors, Residential life, Activities, Leadership, the House System, the Athletic program and overall student support.


One of the first programs you will be introduced to when you arrive at VMA, is our Mentor program, a central part of the life of a student in school. The Mentor is the person who is the main contact between parents, students and the school.  We have built the curriculum for this program with the Character Counts Model that covers area of respect and responsibility, trustworthiness and fairness, caring and citizenship, critical thinking and leadership.  The mentor is one of the most important partners in the success of a student’s time at VMA.  


The House system provides support and social interaction for students through entertainment and peer relationships.  With eight different house in the community, students can develop close friendships with their classmates and foster a relationship with mentors and teachers that they otherwise cannot in a larger school.  Each house is made up of at least six mentors, and students stay with the same house during their entire time at VMA so they can build lasting relationships with their peers.


VMA has an extensive after school program with a divers set of over 60 clubs from performance groups to robotics. We provide time in the schedule for these clubs to meet every week and each club has an adult to guide students and offer expertise. What we hope is that you will continue to develop a passion you have discovered or find a new interest in something you have always wanted to try.


We hope you will take the time to explore all that we have to offer here at VMA and understand that we are here to support you in the classroom and out of the classroom.


We wish you a wonderful journey!

Vanke Meisha Academy

Contact Us

33 Huanmei Road, Yantian District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China, 518000

www.vma.edu.cn | vma@vma.edu.cn

Admissions:(+86)0755 66618494 / 66618495 / 66618508 / 66618497 (VMAA)

HR:(+86)0755 22747965

AO:(+86)0755 66618500

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