A new Ally! VMA Signs Strategic Cooperation Contract with MPA
Apr 11 2024


At the beginning of the new semester, Vanke Meisha Academy took another important step on the road of international schooling.

On February 21st, the signing ceremony of the strategic cooperation between Vanke Meisha Academy (VMA) and Mounds Park Academy (MPA) was successfully held in VMA. Both sides will uphold the principle of mutual benefit and win-win, give full play to the advantages of the two schools, jointly build a high-quality education system with international standards, explore new modes and new ways of international cooperation in education, and provide students with richer quality education resources and diversified channels for success.

Ms. Tang Lu, General Manager of Vanke Meisha Education and Chairman of Vanke Education Development Foundation, Mr. Dou Lianhui, Principal of Vanke Meisha Academy, Dr. Bill Hudson, Principal of Mounds Park Academy, and representatives of faculty and staff from both sides all attended the signing ceremony. The event was hosted by Ms.Sabrina, associate Dean of Academic Affairs of Vanke Meisha Academy.


With the rapid rise of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao Greater Bay Area, internationalized education resources have become increasingly rich in Guangdong. The Chinese-foreign cooperative education business has gradually developed from a useful supplement to the reform and development of national and regional education into an important component. The Chinese-foreign cooperative education program has entered a new era of transformation and upgrading. The signing of strategic cooperation between VMA and MPA, which is an important initiative to implement the policy of education opening up, responding to the call for building standardized and high-quality Chinese-foreign cooperative school programs, and promoting the internationalization of quality education. At the same time, it  can also meet the diversified needs of parents and students for high-quality international education.

Mr. Dou Lianhui, VMA principal, said in his speech that different education systems give both sides a valuable opportunity to learn from each other, and the hope is that through various forms of close cooperation in a different cultural environment, it would provide students with more opportunities for communication and higher quality of teaching and learning, and provide teachers with better platforms for growth and development. VMA and MPA will be like-minded allies and side-by-side partners.


Dr. Bill Hudson,MPA president, pointed out that VMA and MPA have a lot in common in terms of educational philosophy, schooling characteristics and development goals, and the two sides have common understanding about many aspects. Also, he expressed gratitude to Principal Dou Lianhui for his strong support in the cooperation. He believes that through the cooperation between the two schools, they can better realize resources sharing, complement each other's strengths, and jointly build a promising future.


Ms. Tang Lu, general manager of Vanke Meisha Education and chairman of Vanke Education Development Foundation, said that this is another important milestone in the development process of Vanke Meisha Academy. "People with shared aspirations will not feel parted because of the mountains and oceans", she firmly believes that with a common educational ideal, the two parties will be able to create a new innovative education with a higher quality, a greater adaptation to the development of the times, and an international style, this will helpmore children to embark on a broader future stage.


After the formal signing of the agreement, the two parties will actively promote cooperation. It is expected that from the beginning of the next academic year, Vanke Meisha Academy and Mounds Park Academy will carry out specific cooperation in the areas of dual certificate of education, student summer camp exchange, teacher career development training and short-term exchange and so on.

In the context of the era of change, win-win cooperation is a major trend in the international education industry. As a private international school qualified to carry out high school international curriculum experiments, Vanke Meisha Academy has become a outstanding example of international education after 9 years of development. At present, VMA has three major curriculum tracks: Sino-US Track, Sino-UK Track, and VMAA Track. It has trained six classes of graduates, and its alumni have spread across the world's top universities such as Columbia University, Dartmouth College, University of Cambridge, University of Oxford, Juilliard School, University of the Arts London, etc. Meisha teachers and students have also demonstrated their talents in the world's top academic, art and sports competitions.


Mounds Park Academy, located in Minnesota, is a top-ranked private college preparatory school with a reputation for academic rigor. The academy with advanced education and teaching facilities, strict and balanced college preparatory courses, rich international education resources and excellent teachers, is known as the cradle of elite students. Its graduates can be accepted from Harvard University, Yale University, Princeton University and other top universities in the world each year.


The success of the signing ceremony is not only a solid step forward for Vanke Meisha Academy to practice its educational philosophy and its internationalization, but also marks a new level of in-depth cooperation between the two schools, which will inject new vitality and impetus into the process of Sino-US educational exchanges and cooperation. In the future, Vanke Meisha Academy will continue to take " To Cultivating Global Citizens and Leaders with Chinese Identity" as its mission, continue to draw on the essence of Eastern and Western cultures, integrate Eastern and western educational theories, learn the most premium global practices, and explore the methods of Meisha for high-quality education development in the future.

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